We have been enjoying a few days of really warm weather. Its great. Henrietta and the chicklets have been living with us for a week and I think they must have doubled in size. Henrietta is a great mom she lets the chicklets go out to play but when its too hot she takes them inside to a cooler area,, well all except "The Lone Ranger" This little chick does not like to come inside. When she finally get it inside,,it turns around and scoots out again. We have to help get him /her inside at night.

Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I was worried about the old chickens being jealous of the new guys but I guess I should have been paying more attention to Simba. He took to digging in the back yard. He has never done anything like that before. I walked into the back yard and there was Simba crouched down like he was expecting the beating of a life time. We have never hit him at all let alone beat him. We got him from the pound so guess this is a carry over from a previous life.
So we felt so quilty that he got to sleep in the house upstairs last night.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
We sat out by the chickens last night and had a martini and toasted and named the mama hen :)
She has been named Henrieta after the bantam hen that my sister in law had when she was little. My brother says I have to teach her to ride on my tricycle handle bars like hers, she was 5) did but times have changed and I don't think I could find a helmet small enough for Henrieta LOL
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The chicks have a new safe place to go outside. They were so excited. Once mom got the area checked out and felt the chicks were safe she dug a hole and rolled around in it cleaning herself. This probably was the first time she had alone time for about 6 weeks. It was like she was really enjoying herself and having some ME time.
This only took place after she had some run ins with the big hens I am worried what will happen when we let them loose in the big pen but that's not going to happen in the near future.
Just as I am typing this a large coyote just ran across the front lawn. I hate those critters. I ran and locked Simba up.

Monday, June 23, 2008
While were loading up our hen and her chicks at the auction a lady came up to us and asked if she could buy some from us. She used the "but I have grandkids, do you?" ploy. It didn't work I had no intention of breaking up the family. Marvin said I have grandchildren too. So here are a couple of them with their cousin.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Well it was pretty funny. We got mama and chicks into their new digs ( a separate cage within the coop). So it was time for the gang to go into the coop. They would look inside and it seems the peeping of the chicks scared them and they would not go into the coop. It was quite a circus here trying to catch 10 hens and Rocky and get them inside the coop and get the door shut. We could hear all sort of scrambling around and then all was quiet. We peeked inside and they were all up on the roosts but normally they face the back but not this time. They were all sitting there staring down at the new guys on the block.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Well lets see this is my first blog. June 21 2008
After failing dismally at incubating chicken eggs. I don't think it was our fault I think Rocky the rooster was a dud rather than a dude. None of the eggs were fertilized. We spent 21 days of turning the eggs every few hours, yup in the middle of the night too. We worked so hard keeping the humidity and temperature in line.
Well like I said after failing we went to the auction today and came home with a Bantam hen and 9 chicks. They are in a box in the kitchen right now and there is so much peeping going on. D/H is out in the chicken coop making arrangements for them to have their own section and run area.
There are 4 yellow chicks, one pure black one and 4 that look like chipmunks. Moms all brown. I have to come up with a name for her.
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