Saturday, February 28, 2009


Marvin was so excited when he came in from the chicken coop this morning. Meet Salt and Pepper. She is still sitting so if we get more the names will change :)
Heidi is sitting on 9 eggs but it was not the best conditions here weather wise for a broody hen and chickens fighting over the eggs. I said I would be happy to get one hatched so I am very happy to get two.
They are already so curious but she wont let them go

Friday, February 20, 2009


We did it again - 3 more brown hens. They are so nice and tame and good layers. One more week and we find out if we have baby chicks

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I am not sure what is wrong with the blogger program but it won't let me upload photos. So I can't show you the 3 new hens we got. They are pretty brown ones. Just starting to lay. so I type that and try again and it worked finally after days of trying. But now it won't let me upload another one. - then id did lol
Lance lost his buddies but he now has is own flock of hens to look after. He keeps busy finding food for them and alerting them when he suspects danger. The new ones are not with him but the chicklets are the ones he was given to mind.Chicklets are of course big now. Two more weeks until we find out if Heidi's eggs are going to hatch.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Well we are back from the auction. We sold The Lone Ranger and Butless we got $13.00 each- so thats not too bad but I am afraid they will be in a stew pot. There were alot of roosters being sold and they were being bought from basically just 3 or 4 people. They can't possibly have a use (or one I want to think about) for all those roosters.  We tried to candle Heidi's eggs to see if they are fertile. It looks like they are not. Perhaps we sold the wrong roosters. lol
Two more weeks to go.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I thought you might enjoy the email I got back from Incredible Hulks new mom.

"It was a pleasure meeting you and Marvin today.

"The Incredible Hulk has met Big Red; Big Red doesn't look so big next the Incredible Hulk. He got right down to business and had "had" her within twenty minutes. Of course, he gave off a few good crows afterwards to announce his masculinity to the local wildlife.
I'm looking forward to the blog and will keep in touch, Linda. Thank you for the Incredible Hulk.
Marcy "

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well after months of changing our mind on what to do with the roosters we bit the bullet (sadly ) and put Incredible Hulk, Lone Ranger and Butless on Craigs list. Heidi is sitting on 9 eggs and it looks like others might get broody so we need to be able to seperate them. That means changing the Bad Boy Pen's batchelor pad into a nursury.  Today the Incredilbe Hulk went off to his new home. I meant to take a photo but forgot. Marcy his new mom says she will send me a photo with his new girlfriend Big Red. Sounds like a match to me. :)  Marcy saw the coops Marvin built and said she has chicken coop envy ;) i hope we can find good homes for the other two .