Spike, two old hens and one Nigon went to the auction. Not sure what we got for them. Makes more room in the hen house which we will need. Cher is sitting on 10 eggs. So more baby chicks around the 23rd of this month. We still don't know for sure if any more of the Little Rascals are roosters, we hope not.
This is Peek-a-boo and we think she is female. Their mom Heidi is laying eggs again. Where as Henrietta who is this one's granny is only now thinking about laying again.
Rockie and Rockie 2. The black one we believe is female.
We still can't be sure which are the boys and which are that gals. We should be able to tell but we can't . This one we think is male because his tail is down and he is so colourful.
Danny looked after the chickens while we were away and when he stopped over the other day he brought us one of the eggs he had collected. It turned out to be the only double yolker we have ever had.