Saturday, June 21, 2008


Well lets see this is my first blog. June 21 2008

After failing dismally at incubating chicken eggs. I don't think it was our fault I think Rocky the rooster was a dud rather than a dude. None of the eggs were fertilized. We spent 21 days of turning the eggs every few hours, yup in the middle of the night too. We worked so hard keeping the humidity and temperature in line.

Well like I said after failing we went to the auction today and came home with a Bantam hen and 9 chicks. They are in a box in the kitchen right now and there is so much peeping going on. D/H is out in the chicken coop making arrangements for them to have their own section and run area.

There are 4 yellow chicks, one pure black one and 4 that look like chipmunks. Moms all brown. I have to come up with a name for her.


Tint~ said...

Aw Linda... I loved the video. It took me back to our farm days. Thanks for posting that!

Anonymous said...

They're a cute, noisy bunch Linda