Sunday, August 17, 2008


The Lone Ranger is still up to his old tricks. Now he has decided to hang out on  the big chickens roost and not on the chicklets roost.


Anonymous said...

yayyyy, for the Lone Ranger!!


Anonymous said...

Those chickens are funny. Quite an entertainment for you. What do the big chickens think of the little one in their space?

Dewdropin said...

Sometimes the old hens run him off but he just scoots away but Henrietta won't back down to them so we have to guard here while we try and get her to mix with the rest of the flock.

Anonymous said...

Is Henrietta still being protective of the chicks?

Dewdropin said...

She still tells them when its time to come and go into the coop but they don't always listen now lol

Well The Lone Ranger never listened right from the start lol